books by publisher
Save the Children

Why Money Matters: Family Income, Poverty and Children's Lives
Working with Parents

Children are Service Users Too

A Fight to Belong
Including Disabled People in Everyday Life: A Practical Approach

The Well-being of Children in the UK
Cold Comfort: Young Separated Refugees in England

Toolkits: A Practical Guide to Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment: 5 (Save the Children Development Manuals.)

The Household Economy Approach: A Guide for Programme Planners and Policy-makers

Families Pack: Activities and Photographs to Raise Moral, Social, Cultural and Spiritual Issues in PSHE and Citizenship for KS 1+2

Educating the Whole Child: A Holistic Approach to Education in Early Years

Partners in Rights: Creative Activities Exploring Rights and Citizenship for 7-11 Year Olds

Helping Children in Difficult Circumstances: A Teacher's Manual (Save the Children Development Manuals.)
More Than Activities: A Practical Handbook on Work with Young People