books by publisher
Scepter Publishing

The Sadness of Christ (Yale University Press Translation)

Daily Roman Missal

Advent and Christmastide (v. 1) (In Conversation with God: Meditations for Each Day of the Year)

Ordinary Time, Weeks 13-23 (v. 4) (In Conversation with God: Meditations for Each Day of the Year)

In Conversation with God: Feasts, January-June v. 6: Meditations for Each Day of the Year

Ordinary Time, Weeks 24-34 (v. 5) (In Conversation with God: Meditations for Each Day of the Year)

Ordinary Time, Weeks 24-34 (v. 5) (In Conversation with God: Meditations for Each Day of the Year)

In Conversation with God: Ordinary Time, Weeks 1-12 v.3: Meditations for Each Day of the Year