books by publisher
Scholastic Paperbacks

The Great Blue Yonder

Three Ducks Went Wandering

Give Me Back My Pony (Pony Pals)

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Scholastic Classics)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

The Search for the Missing Bones: 02 (Magic School Bus Science Chapter Books (Paperback))

Lauren The Puppy Fairy (Pet Fairies #4)

Spaniel in a Stocking (Animal Ark)

Hideout (Swindle #5): Volume 5

How to Draw Pokemon (Pokémon)

Song of the Sparrow

Natalie the Christmas Stocking Fairy (Rainbow Magic Special Edition)

Get into Gear, Stilton! (Geronimo Stilton, 54)

Oh No, Newf! (Pet Trouble)

Voyage of the Jaffa Wind (Secrets of Droon)

The Seven Chinese Brothers (Blue Ribbon Book)

The Great Fire

Voices from Vietnam

Goldilocks Breaks in (Grimmtastic Girls #6): Volume 6

Revenge of the Living Dummy (Goosebumps Horrorland #1): Volume 1

Save the White Whale! (Geronimo Stilton)

Riding Freedom (Scholastic Signature)

Cheryl the Christmas Tree Fairy (Rainbow Magic Special Edition (Quality))

A Bad Case of Stripes (Scholastic Bookshelf)


The Case of the Million-dollar Mystery (Jigsaw Jones Super Special)

Mermaids Don't Run Track (Adventures of the Bailey School Kids)

Following the Rainbow: 7 (DOLPHIN DIARIES)

Felicity The Friday Fairy (Rainbow Magic; The Fun Day Fairies)