books by publisher
SCM-Canterbury Press Ltd

Introduction to the New Testament

Theology of the Old Testament: Vol 1

Psalms (Torch Bible Paperbacks)

Testament of Jesus: Study of the Gospel of John in the Light of Chapter 17 (New Testament Library)

New Testament Questions of Today (New Testament Library)

Rediscovering the Teaching of the Evangelists

New Testament Theology: Proclamation of Jesus v. 1 (New Testament Library)

Outline of the Theology of the New Testament (New Testament Library)


New People's Life of Jesus

Contemporary Prayers for Public Worship

One Church, One Lord

Biblical Exegesis: A Beginner's Handbook

Basic Introduction to the New Testament

Religion and Medicine: No. 1

Fifth Gospel: In Search of Black Christian Values

Philosophers and Religious Truth

Ezekiel (Torch Bible Paperbacks)

History of Israel in Old Testament Times

Marriage Difficulties

Meaning of Gifts

Acts and the History of Earliest Christianity

New Introduction to Moral Theology

God Talk: Examination of the Language and Logic of Theology

Problems of Success: A History of the Church Missionary Society 1910-1942. Volume Two, Asia, Overseas Partners

Marx Against the Marxists: The Christian Humanism of Karl Marx

Social Ethics: Issues in Ethics and Society (Forum Books)


Letters to the Seven Churches