books by publisher
SCM Press
Suppressed Prayers: Gnostic Spirituality in Early Christianity
The Christian Fathers (Knowing Christianity)
Controversies in Political Theology: Development or Liberation? (Controversies in Contextual Theology)
The Church Maintained in Truth: A Theological Meditation
Patterns of Faith - A Study in the relationship between the New Testament and Christian Doctrine
Concilium 2011/1: From World Mission to Inter-religious Witness (Concilium: Theology in the Age of Renewal)
Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Studies in biblical theology, second series no. 15)
Concilium 2011/5 Economy and Religion: The Economy and Religion (Concilium: Theology in the Age of Renewal)
The Scope of Political Theology
On Being Christian
An Introduction to the Theology of the New Testament
Practice of Theology: A Reader
Enough is enough
Beginnings: Keys That Open the Gospels
From Torah to Kabbalah: A Basic Introduction to the Writings of Judaism
God: His and Hers
Struggle to be the Sun Again: Introducing Asian Women's Theology
The Book of Christian Martyrs
Mill's Utilitarianism (SCM Briefly)
Religion and the Ambiguity of Capitalism
African saint
Pastoral Supervision: A Handbook
God, Christ and the World: A Study in Contemporary Theology
The Faith of the People of God: A Lay Theology
Experiences in Theology: Ways and Forms of Christian Theology
Many Witneses, One Lord
The English inheritance
Christianity in a Post-atheist Age
Theology for a Scientific Age: Being and Becoming - Natural, Divine and Human