books by publisher
Sense Publishers

Beyond the Modern-Postmodern Struggle in Education (Educational Futures: Rethinking Theory and Practice)

Working with Foucault in Education

Critical Readings in Teacher Education: Provoking Absences

Reflexive Research and the (Re)Turn to the Baroque: Or, how I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the University

Inside Teacher Education: Challenging Prior Views of Teaching and Learning

Urban Science Education for the Hip-Hop Generation

Classroom of the Future: Orchestrating Collaborative Spaces

How We Think, But Not in School: A Storied Approach to Teaching: 15 (Bold Visions in Educational Research)

The Development of Higher Education Research in Europe: 25 Years of Cher (Higher Education Research in the 21st Century Series)

Understanding and Researching Professional Practice (Professional Learning)

Emerging Perspectives of Workplace Learning

New Mathematics Education Research and Practice

The Translational Design of Schools: An Evidence-Based Approach to Aligning Pedagogy and Learning Environments (Advances in Learning Environments Research)

Threshold Concepts in Practice (Educational Futures)

Blue: 18 (Social Fictions Series)

The Professional Teacher Educator: Roles, Behaviour, and Professional Development of Teacher Educators (Professional Learning)

Schooling the Estate Kids (Studies in Professional Life and Work)