books by publisher
Servant Books

Lenten Pilgrimage

Reading Scripture as the Word of God: Practical Approaches and Attitudes

A Father Who Keeps His Promises: God's Covenant Love in Scripture

Beatitudes: Eight Steps to Happiness

Let the Fire Fall

Character of a Christian Leader

Faith to Live by

Theological Reflections on the Charismatic Renewal

Team Manual (Life in the Spirit Seminars)

When Couples Pray Together: Creating Intimacy and Spiritual Wholeness

Bread of Life

Padre Pio: Man of Hope

Things Hidden: Scripture as Spirituality

And Their Eyes Were Opened: Encountering Jesus in the Sacraments

Christianity with Power

Mornings with Fulton Sheen: 120 Holy Hour Readings

Book of Catholic Customs and Traditions

Making Choices: Practical Wisdom for Everyday Moral Decisions

Zero People: Essays on Life

Jesus, the New Elijah
Essays on Renewal

Prophecy: Exercising the Prophetic Gifts of the Spirit Today

Preparing for Christmas: Daily Meditations for Advent