books by publisher
Sheffield Academic Press

Johannine Literature: With an Introduction by R.A. Culpepper

Parlons Affaires (Advanced Course in French for Business)

The Theme of the Pentateuch: No.10 (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)

Thealogy and Embodiment: The Post-Patriarchal Reconstruction of Female Sacrality (Feminist Theology S.)

Introducing Feminist Theology

Introducing Thealogy: Discourse on the Goddess (Introductions in Feminist Theology): v. 3

Introducing Feminist Christologies: No. 8 (Introductions in Feminist Theology)

Calling Time: Religion and Change at the Turn of the Millennium: v. 2 (Lincoln Studies in Religion & Society S.)

The Theme of the Pentateuch: No.10 (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)

Ezra and Nehemiah: 13 (Old Testament Guides)

Approaches to New Testament Study

Approaches to New Testament Study

Association: Stepping-Stone or Alternative to EU Membership?

Ritual and Remembrance: Responses to Death in Human Societies

Ritual and Remembrance: Responses to Death in Human Societies

The Book of Revelation and the Johannine Apocalyptic Tradition

Enzymes in Food Technology

Critical Reflections on the Odes of Solomon (Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha Supplement): No. 22.

Houses and their Furnishings in Bronze Age Palestine: Domestic Activity Areas and Artifact Distribution in the Middle and Late Bronze Ages: No. 8. (JSOT/ASOR Monographs)

Striking New Images: Studies on Roman Imperial Coinage and the New Testament World: No. 134 (Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement S.)

John: 04 (New Testament guides)

Self/Same/Other: Re-Visioning the Subject in Literature and Theology: No. 5 (Playing the Texts S.)

Ezekiel: 23 (Old Testament Guides S.)

Daniel (Old Testament guides)

New Testament Interpretation and Methods: A Sheffield Reader: No. 45. (Biblical Seminar S.)

Ascension of Isaiah: 2 (Guides to Apocrypha & Pseudepigrapha)

Ephesians: 10 (New Testament Guides S.)

Proverbs: 16 (Old Testament Guides S.)