books by publisher
Sovereign World

You Can Hear the Voice of God: How God Speaks in Listening Prayer

Frida: Chosen to Die, Destined to Live
The Bible

Explaining Covenants: No 22 (The Explaining Series)

What in the World Is God Waiting For? - The Fulfilment of the Great Commission

Thy Kingdom Come: Walking in Our Godly Inheritance

Preach the Word!: The Call and Challenge of Preaching Today

Healing Through Deliverance: Practice of Deliverance Ministry v. 2

Trapped by Control: How to Find Freedom (Truth & Freedom)

Confronting Jezebel: Discerning and Defeating the Spirit of Control

Visions Beyond the Veil: God's Revelation to Children of Heaven and Hell

Praying for Israel's Destiny: Effective Intercession for God's Purposes in the Middle East

Healing from the Consequences of Accident, Shock and Trauma (The Truth & Freedom Series)

Husbands and Fathers: Rediscover the Creator's Purpose for Men

Intercession and Healing: Breaking Through with God (Truth & Freedom)

Living the Life: Practical Christianity for the Real World

Releasing Heaven on Earth: Removing the Barriers to Effective Evangelism, Revival and Lasting Transformation

Sex: God's Truth (Truth & Freedom)

Visions Beyond the Veil: God's Revelation to Children of Heaven and Hell

There Is Always Enough: Miraculous Ministry in Mozambique

Toxic Churches: Restoration from Spiritual Abuse

Help Lord, I'm Trying to Relate!: Lessons on Effective Relationships from the Book of Genesis

Authority to Tread: An Intercessors Guide to Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare

Set Apart for God: The Call to a Surrendered Life

Faith That Endures: The Essential Guide to the Persecuted Church

Soul Ties: The Unseen Bond in Relationships (Truth & Freedom) (Truth and Freedom)

Forgive, Release and Be Free

Operation Exodus

The Foundations of Christian Doctrine: A Practical Guide to Christian Belief