books by publisher
Sovereign World Ltd
Why Revival Tarries
The Ingathering of Israel: A Life Called to Miraculously Help Jewish People Return to Their Homeland
Preparing for Christ's Return
Smith Wigglesworth: The Secret of His Power
The Apostle of Hope: Dr. Kriengsak Story
Free Indeed
Pills for the Soul?: How Medication Falls Short of Christ's Healing of the Emotions
Anger: How Do You Handle It?
Explaining Biblical Meditation
Healing Through Deliverance: The Foundation and Practice of Deliverance Ministry
Rescue from Rejection: Finding Security in God's Loving Acceptance
The Christian, Israel and the Hope of World Revival: Israel in Romans 9-11
From Bondage to Blessing: The Redemption, Restoration and Release of God's Women
Foundation Series: 1v
Seeds of the Kingdom: Daily Inspiration, Encouragement, Biblical Teaching and Challenge
Great Bible Women of China
Unreachable: One Man's Journey Through Drugs, Violence, Armed Robbery and a Miraculous Encounter with God in Prison
The Power of Godly Wisdom
Explaining Rejection
Dealing with What Life Throws at You: How Life's Trials Can Lead Us to a Greater Intimacy with Jesus
Snakes in the Temple: Unmasking Idolatry in Today's Church and Pointing the Way to Spiritual Breakthrough
Target Europe: Interpreting the Times and Seasons of God's Kingdom in the Lands and Islands of Europe and the Challenge for Today!
Become a Woman of Power: Releasing Mighty Women of God
Explaining Hope
Explaining Prayer
Explaining Reigning in Life
The Life of Jesus: More Than a Prophet
Explaining Prophecy
Ministering in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit