books by publisher
S.P.C.K. Publishing

Tensions in Christian Ethics: An introduction

Preaching on the Common Worship Lectionary: A Resource Book

The Advent Adventure

The Bible and Liberation: Political and Social Hermeneutics

Prayers for all Occasions

Living Well: Finding a 'Rule of Life' to Revitalise and Sustain Us

To be a Pilgrim: A Spiritual Notebook (Reissue) (SPCK Classics)

Seeking the Risen Christa

Christianity and the New Social Order: A Manifesto for a Fairer Future

Turning the Diamond - Exploring George Herbert's Images of Prayer

Saints & Heroes: Inspiring Politics

One Foot in Eden

A New Day for Preaching: The Sacrement of the Word

A Bit Like Jesus

Memorial Services (Alcuin Liturgy Guides)

For All God's Worth

Prayers for the Night

The Making of the Modern Church (3rd Edition)

My God, My Glory

Finding Hope and Meaning in Suffering

Gazing on the Gospel Year A: Meditations on the Lectionary Readings (Gazing on the Gospels, Year A: Meditations on the Lectionary Readings)

God and Government