books by publisher

SPCK Publishing

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Life Eternal

By Israel, Martin

Preaching Like a Woman

By Durber, Susan

The Bible: Myth or Message?

By Penny, Michael

The Moral World of the First Christians

By Meeks, Wayne A.


By Moltmann, Jurgen, Sturdy, J.

Sarah Laughed: Women's Voices in the Old Testament

By Dennis, Trevor

Pastoral Ethics (Lynx Textbooks S.)

By Atkinson, David

Valuing Age: Pastoral Ministry with Older People (New Library of Pastoral Care)

By Woodward, James

Church, State and Establishment

By Avis, Rev. Dr. Paul D. L.

Speaking in Church

By Hodgson, T. R. Burnham

Touching the Rock: An Experience of Blindness (SPCK Classics)

By Hull, John M.

For Everyone Bible Study Guides: Ephesians (NT for Everyone: Bible Study Guide)

By Wright, Tom

New Sermon Slot (Year C) Pb (The New Sermon Slot)

By Swain, Sharon

Truths That Endure

By Martineau, Robert

The New Sermon Slot: Year A

By Swain, Sharon

Christian Origins: An Account of the Setting and Character of the Most Important Messianic Sect of Judaism

By Rowland, Christopher

Moments That Matter

By Martineau, Robert

Resilient Pastors: The Role of Adversity in Healing and Growth (New Library of Pastoral Care)

By Allain-Chapman, Justine

ISG 34: So I Send You: Study Guide to Mission

By Bowen, Roger

Dialogues with Silence: Prayers and Select Drawings

By Merton, Thomas

The New Testament for Everyone

By Tom Wright

Sharing the Blessing: Overcoming Poverty and Working for Justice

By Galloway, Kathy

Primary School Assemblies for a Just World

By Lamont, Gordon

Finding Your Leadership Style: A Guide for Ministers (The SPCK Library of Ministry)

By Lamdin, Keith

Diddy Disciples 2: January to August: Worship And Storytelling Resources For Babies, Toddlers And Young Children

By Moughtin-Mumby, The Revd Dr Sharon

Integrity of Pastoral Care (New Library of Pastoral Care)

By Lyall, David

Faith Confirmed: Preparing for Confirmation

By Jackson, Peter

Faith in Hospices (New Library of Pastoral Care)

By Murray, Derek B.

Beginning Again

By Pritchard, John

Growing Spiritually with the Myers-Briggs Model

By McGuinness, Julia