books by publisher
Speechmark Publishing Ltd

Creative Writing in Groupwork

Talkabout: A Social Communication Skills Package


Ruby and the Rubbish Bin: A Story for Children with Low Self-Esteem

The Social Skills Handbook: Practical Activities for Social Communication

Relaxation & Concentration

Using Story Telling as a Therapeutic Tool with Children

Teenage Life Blob Cards

The Social Skills Handbook: Practical Activities for Social Communication

Group Activities for Personal Development: A Group Leader's Handbook


Beyond Aphasia: Therapies for Living with Communication Disabilities (Winslow Editions)

How are They Feeling? Colorcards

SPPARC: Supporting Partners of People with Aphasia in Relationships and Conversation

The Relaxation Therapy Manual

Sensory Motor Activities for Early Development
Gestalt Counselling (Helping People Change: The Essential Counselling S.)

The Mental Health Handbook
Assertiveness: A Practical Approach