books by publisher
Spokesman Books
Bevanism: Labour's High Tide
Britain in Crisis: How to Fight De-industrialization: no. 30 (Spokesman University Paperback)
Power! Black Workers, Their Unions and the Struggle for Freedom in South Africa
Hell Hole, Robben Island: Reminiscences of a Political Prisoner
Crossroads in Africa
Bevanism: Labour's High Tide
Malaya: The Making of a Neo-colony: v. 1
Right to a Home
No More Hiroshimas
Sons and Lovers: Trevor Griffiths' Screenplay of the Novel by D.H. Lawrence
What Went Wrong
Inequality: Evidence to the Royal Commission on the Distribution of Incomes and Wealth
The Political Economy of Human Rights: v. 2: After the Cataclysm - Post-war Indo-China and the Reconstruction of Imperial Ideology
Political Economy of Human Rights: v. 1: The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism
Kissinger Study of Southern Africa
Crisis in Korea
The European Challenge: From Atlantic Alliance to Pan-European Entente for Peace and Jobs
Industrial Syndicalist
The Long Struggle of Eritrea for Independence and Constructive Peace
Imperialism: A Study
Trotsky and Fatalistic Marxism
Thurcroft: Village and the Miners' Strike - An Oral History
Poverty: The Forgotten Englishmen
Climate of Peace? (The Spokesman)
Another Europe is Possible (The Spokesman)
Underwater Battlespace (The Spokesman)
The Middle East Free of WMD? (The Spokesman)
Unruly Dog (The Spokesman)
On Palestine and Prisoners (The Spokesman)