books by publisher
Springer International Publishing AG

Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Rational Decision Making

Regression Modeling Strategies: With Applications to Linear Models, Logistic and Ordinal Regression, and Survival Analysis

A Clinician's Guide to Integrative Oncology: What You Should Be Talking About with Cancer Patients and Why

Anomaly Detection Principles and Algorithms

Outlier Analysis

Python for Probability, Statistics, and Machine Learning

Public Sector Performance and Development Cooperation in Rwanda: Results-Based Approaches

Citric Acid

The Political Economy of Agricultural Booms: Managing Soybean Production in Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay

Handbook of Evidence-Based Radiation Oncology

Neo-Colonialism and the Poverty of 'Development' in Africa

Introduction to Law

Math for Scientists: Refreshing the Essentials

The Evolution of the Eye

Leadership Theory and Research: A Critical Approach to New and Existing Paradigms

Equilibrium Theory for Cournot Oligopolies and Related Games: Essays in Honour of Koji Okuguchi

Hollyweird Science: From Quantum Quirks to the Multiverse

Restoration of Root Canal-Treated Teeth: An Adhesive Dentistry Perspective

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Empowering Human, Place and Business

Peri-Implant Complications: A Clinical Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment

Exploring Mathematics: Problem-Solving and Proof

Numerical Linear Algebra: A Concise Introduction with MATLAB and Julia

Galois Theory Through Exercises

Algebras and Representation Theory

Mathematical Modeling

Differential Equations

From Real to Complex Analysis

Essential Real Analysis

A Course in Functional Analysis and Measure Theory