books by publisher
Square Peg

In the Charcuterie: Making Sausage, Salumi, Pates, Roasts, Confits, and Other Meaty Goods

The Robin: A Biography

The Wren: A Biography

Maps of My Life

Pantsdrunk: The Finnish Art of Drinking at Home. Alone. In Your Underwear.

The Resourceful Mum's Handbook: Baby on a Budget

Usefully Useless: Everything you'd Never Learn at School (But May Like to Know)

Wild Kingdom: Bringing Back Britain's Wildlife

First Class: A History of Britain in 36 Postage Stamps

Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened

The Woman who Changed Her Brain: Unlocking the Extraordinary Potential of the Human Mind

A Less Boring History of the World

Grammar for Grown-ups

The Urban Beekeeper: A Year of Bees in the City

Wild Hares and Hummingbirds: The Natural History of an English Village

Ordinary Made Extraordinary: 24 Things to Make Using Everyday Stuff

The Hungover Cookbook

Maths for Mums and Dads

100 Facts about Pandas

Homework for Grown-ups: Everything You Learnt at School... and Promptly Forgot

Great British Bakes: Forgotten treasures for modern bakers

The Hedgerow Handbook: Recipes, Remedies and Rituals

The Little Book of Lunch: Recipes and Ideas for the Office Packed Lunch

Let's Preserve It: 579 recipes for preserving fruits and vegetables and making jams, jellies, chutneys, pickles and fruit butters and cheeses (Square Peg Cookery Classics)

Maths on the Go: 101 Fun Ways to Play with Maths

Our Rainbow Queen

Millennial Problems: Everyday Struggles of a Generation

Milkshakes and Morphine: A Memoir of Love and Loss

Gimson's Prime Ministers: Brief Lives from Walpole to Johnson