books by publisher
St. Martin's Press
Dance with the Devil
Kolymsky Heights
Conflict: Readings in Management and Resolution
Conflict: Practices in Management, Settlement, and Resolution
Conflict: Human Needs Theory
The Great Alone
Urbanisation and Planning in the 3rd World: Spatial Perceptions and Public Participation
Blackwater Sound
Rasputin: Rascal Master
Even Yuppies Die
Language: Introductory Readings
Not Saussure: A Critique of Post-Saussurean Literary Theory
The Race
Turn a Blind Eye: A Detective William Warwick Novel
The Last Days of the Dinosaurs: An Asteroid, Extinction, and the Beginning of Our World
Roma: The Novel of Ancient Rome
Maiden Voyage
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Exile: A Thriller
Why Be Good?: Seeking Our Best Selves in a Challenging World
Wisdom of the Maya: An Oracle of Ancient Knowledge for Today
Organic Chemistry/Preview 3/E
Dr. Ebenezer's book and liquor store
An Eton Schoolboy's Album (A Joan Kahn Book)
Married Lovers
Guardian of All Things, The: The Epic Story of Human Memory
Nuclear Reader
Winter Solstice