books by publisher
Stacey International

Women on the Nile: Writings of Harriet Martineau, Florence Nighttingale and Amelia Edwards

Yemen Engraved: Illustrations by Foreign Travellers 1690 to 1900

The Hockey Stick Illusion: Climategate and the Corruption of Science

Climate: The Counter-consensus - a Scientist Speaks

Very Simple Arabic Script

Tribe: The Hidden History of the Mountains of the Moon

Oundle and the English Public School

Very Simple Arabic: Incorporating Simple Etiquette in Arabia

Wild Life of Saudi Arabia and Its Neighbours

Wild Life of Saudi Arabia and Its Neighbours

Where the Wild Things Were: Travels of a Conservationist


Very Simple Arabic

Nazarbayev: A Life Story of the First President of Kazakhstan

The Children's Encyclopaedia of Arabia

In the Footsteps of the Camel: Portrait of the Bedouins of Eastern Arabia in Mid-century

Wild Life of Oman and Its Neighbours

The Son of a Duck Is a Floater and other Arabic Proverbs with English Equivalents: Illustrated Book of Arab Proverbs

Oman and Its Renaissance

Hartley's Foreign Phrases: A Dictionary of European Words and Expressions in Current Usage

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Climate Change: Natural or Man-made? (Independent Minds)

Treading the Dance: Danish Ballads Selected and Translated by David Broadbridge

The Concise Encyclopædia of Islam

Issa and the Coin

One Humpy Grumpy Camel

Kazakhstan: Coming of Age

The Pearl Diver