books by publisher

Stacey International

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Women on the Nile: Writings of Harriet Martineau, Florence Nighttingale and Amelia Edwards

By Professor Joan Rees

Yemen Engraved: Illustrations by Foreign Travellers 1690 to 1900

By Leila Ingrams

The Hockey Stick Illusion: Climategate and the Corruption of Science

By A.W. Montford

Climate: The Counter-consensus - a Scientist Speaks

By Robert Carter

Very Simple Arabic Script

By James Peters

Tribe: The Hidden History of the Mountains of the Moon

By Tom Stacey

Oundle and the English Public School

By Raymond Flower

Very Simple Arabic: Incorporating Simple Etiquette in Arabia

By James Peters

Wild Life of Saudi Arabia and Its Neighbours

By Wilhelm Buttiker, etc.

Wild Life of Saudi Arabia and Its Neighbours

By Wilhelm Buttiker, etc.

Where the Wild Things Were: Travels of a Conservationist

By Stanley Johnson


By Guise, Anthony

Very Simple Arabic

By Peters, James

Nazarbayev: A Life Story of the First President of Kazakhstan

By .

The Children's Encyclopaedia of Arabia

By Beardwood, Mary

In the Footsteps of the Camel: Portrait of the Bedouins of Eastern Arabia in Mid-century

By Nicholson, Eleanor

Wild Life of Oman and Its Neighbours

By Buttiker, Wilhelm, etc.

The Son of a Duck Is a Floater and other Arabic Proverbs with English Equivalents: Illustrated Book of Arab Proverbs

By Primrose Arnander, Ashkhain Skipwith, Kathryn Lamb

Oman and Its Renaissance

By Hawley, Sir Donald, Campbell, Meredith

Hartley's Foreign Phrases: A Dictionary of European Words and Expressions in Current Usage

By J.L.A. Hartley

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

By Anderson, Norman, etc.

Climate Change: Natural or Man-made? (Independent Minds)

By Joe Fone

Treading the Dance: Danish Ballads Selected and Translated by David Broadbridge

By David Broadbridge, Sonia Brandes

The Concise Encyclopædia of Islam

By Cyril Glassé

Issa and the Coin

By Butler, Sean, Butler, Shannon, Butler, Sean, Butler, Shannon

One Humpy Grumpy Camel

By Johnson, Julia, Styles, Emily

Kazakhstan: Coming of Age

By Fergus, Michael, Jandosova, Janar

The Pearl Diver

By Julia Johnson

Apricots Tomorrow and other Arabic sayings with English equivalents: Illustrations

By Primrose Arnander, Ashkhain Skipwith, Kathryn Lamb