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State University of New York Press

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Locality and Inequality: Farm and Industry Structure and Socioeconomic Conditions (SUNY series, The New Inequalities)

By Lobao, Linda M.

Foundation of Phenomenology

By Farber, Marvin

Varieties of Postmodern Theology (Suny Series in Constructive Postmodern Thought)

By Griffin, David Ray

God and Religion in the Postmodern World: Essays in Postmodern Theology (Suny Series in Constructive Postmodern Thought)

By Griffin, David Ray

Dialogue and Deconstruction: The Gadamer-Derrida Encounter (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)

By Michelfelder, Diane P., Palmer, Richard E.

Educational Theory as Theory of Conduct: From Aristotle to Dewey

By Chambliss, J. J.

The Politics of Myth (Suny Series, Issues in the Study of Religion): A Study of C. G. Jung, Mircea Eliade, and Joseph Campbell

By Ellwood, Robert

Lacan in the German-Speaking World (SUNY series in Psychoanalysis and Culture)

By Stewart, Elizabeth, Jaanus, Maire, Feldstein, Richard

The Title of the Letter: A Reading of Lacan (Suny Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)

By Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe

Reading Seminars I and II: Lacan's Return to Freud (Suny Series in Psychoanalysis & Culture) (SUNY series in Psychoanalysis and Culture)

By Feldstein, Richard

Reading Seminar XI: Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis: The Paris Seminars in English (Suny Series, Psychoanalysis & Culture) (SUNY series in Psychoanalysis and Culture)

By Feldstein, Richard, Jaanus, Maire, Fink, Bruce

The Later Lacan: An Introduction (Suny Series in Psychoanalysis and Culture)

By Voruz, Veronique, Wolf, Bogdan

German Mysticism from Hildegard of Bingen to Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Literary and Intellectual History (Suny Series in Western Esoteric Traditions)

By Weeks, Andrew

A Measure of Success: Protestants and Public Culture in Antebellum Cleveland

By McTighe, Michael J.

Manifesto for Philosophy: Followed by Two Essays: "the (Re)Turn of Philosophy Itself" and "Definition of Philosophy" (Suny Series, Intersections, Philosophy and Critical Theory)

By Badiou, Alain, Madarász, Norman

Signifiers and Acts: Freedom in Lacan's Theory of the Subject (Suny Series, Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature)

By Pluth, Ed

Eros and Ethics: Reading Jacques Lacan's Seminar VII (SUNY series, Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature)

By De Kesel, Marc

Phenomenology: Dialogues and Bridges (SUNY series, Selected Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy)

By Bruzina, Ronald, Wilshire, Bruce

Women's Lives/Women's Times: New Essays on Auto/Biography (S U N Y Series, Feminist Theory in Education)

By Broughton, Trev Lynn, Anderson, Linda

Surplus: Spinoza, Lacan (Suny Series, Insinuations: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Literature)

By Kordela, A. Kiarina

The Feminine "No": Psychoanalysis and the New Canon (Suny Series in Psychoanalysis and Culture)

By McGowan, Todd

Heidegger and the Project of Fundamental Ontology (S U N Y Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)

By Taminiaux, Jacques, Gendre, Michael

Lacan and Theological Discourse (SUNY series in Philosophy)

By Wyschogrod, Edith, Crownfield, David, Raschke, Carl A.

Five Lessons on the Psychoanalytic Theory of Jacques Lacan (Suny Series in Psychoanalysis & Culture) (SUNY series in Psychoanalysis and Culture)

By Nasio, Juan-David

After Lacan (Suny Series in Psychoanalysis and Culture): Clinical Practice and the Subject of the Unconscious

By Apollon, Willy, Malone, Kareen Ror

Feminism, Bakhtin, and the Dialogic (SUNY Series in Feminist Criticism and Theory)

By Bauer, Dale M., McKinstry, Susan Jaret

Archeticture: Ecstasies of Space, Time, and the Human Body

By Krell, David Farrell

Intentional Community: An Anthropological Perspective

By Susan Love Brown

Kierkegaard and the Concept of Revelation

By Steven M. Emmanuel

Researching Lived Experience: Human Science for an Action Sensitive Pedagogy

By Max van Manen