books by publisher
Studio Edns.

Modigliani (Masterpainters S.)

Impressionist Interiors (Miniature Books: Fine Arts S.)

Life of Thomas Hardy, The

Dictionary of the English Language

African Textiles (Treasury of Decorative Art S.)

Art Nouveau Floral Designs (Treasury of Decorative Art S.)

Life and Work of William Morris, The: His Art, His Writing and His Public Life

Prophet, The

The Textiles of Guatemala

William Morris and The Arts and Crafts Movement: A Design Source Book

Cider with Rosie

North American Mythology

Birds in Art

Warhol (Master Painters S.)

Illustrated Bible Dictionary

China (Collecting for Pleasure S.)

First Giraffe, The

Dickens Dictionary, The

Dali (Masterworks)

Encyclopaedia of Illustration

Studies in Design (The Studio library of decorative art)

History of Ornament, The (Studio library of decorative art)

Ancient Costumes of Great Britain and Ireland: From the Druids to the Tudors (The Studio fashion collection)

Butler's Lives of the Saints

Portrait and the Camera: Celebration of 150 Years of Photography

Complete Book of Water Gardening, The

Dictionary of Heraldry, The: Feudal Coats of Arms and Pedigrees

Poster in History

Decorative Art of Russia, The (Studio library of decorative art)