books by publisher
Sutton Publishing Ltd

De Havilland Vampire: The Complete History

Henry Winstanley and the Eddystone Lighthouse

The Pyramid and the Urn: The Life in Letters of a Restoration Squire - William Lawrence of Shurdington, 1636-97

Landscape with Figures: The Final Part of His Autobiography

Gilbert and Sullivan's Christmas

The History of Toys: From Spinning Tops to Robots

Elizabethan Life in Town and Country

Beer and Britannia: An Inebriated History of Britain

Tommy and Co.

The Little History of the Teddy Bear

Reform or Revolution?: A Diary of Reform in England, 1830-32
The Passport

Tank Tracks: 9th Battalion Royal Tank Regiment at War, 1940-45

The Apothecaries' Garden: The History of Chelsea Physic Garden

Lewisham: History and Guide

Contrasting Communities: English Villagers in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Puritans: Religion and Politics in Seventeenth-century England and America

Oliver Cromwell: King in All But Name, 1653-58

The Grand Quarrel: Women's Memoirs of the English Civil War

The Wars of the Roses

Roundhead General: Campaigns of Sir William Waller

The Cromwellian Gazetteer: An Illustrated Guide to Britain in the Civil War and Commonwealth

Gloucester of One Hundred Years Ago: Photographic Collection

Britain's Best Kept Secret: Ultra's Base at Bletchley Park

New Towns of the Middle Ages: Town Plantation in England, Wales and Gascony
British Trade Union Posters

Sir John Vanbrugh and Landscape Architecture in Baroque England, 1690-1730

Oral History: A Handbook

Lancashire of One Hundred Years Ago