books by publisher
Tan Books

St. Louis De Montfort: The Story of Our Lady's Slave (Saints Lives)

Alice Von Hildebrand: Memoirs of a Happy Failure

Abandonment to Divine Providence

The Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of Saint Therese of Lisieux
Scripture Alone?: 21 Reasons to Reject Sola Scriptura

The Catholic Church Has the Answer

Sanctify Them in Truth: How the Church's Social Doctrine Addresses the Issues of Our Time

The Wonder of Guadalupe: The Origin and Cult of the Miraculous Image of the Blessed Virgin in Mexico

Saint Monica: Model of Christian Mothers

Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma

Sermons of St. Francis de Sales for Lent: For Lent (The Sermons of St. Francis De Sales)

The Sermons of the Cure of Ars

St. Margaret Clitherow

Forty Dreams of St. John Bosco: From St. John Bosco's Biographical Memoirs: From St. John Bosco's Biographical Memoirs (Revised)

The Incorruptibles: A Study of the Incorruption of the Bodies of Various Catholic Saints and Beati: A Study of Incorruption in the Bodies of Various Saints and Beati

Wife, Mother and Mystic

William the Conqueror

Creation Rediscovered: Evolution & Importance of the Origins Debate

Hail Holy Queen!: An Explanantion of the Salve Regina

The Crusades

Essays of a Catholic

St. Rita of Cascia: Saint of the Impossible

The Devotion to the Sacred Heart: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion

Prophecy for Today: A Summary of the Catholic Tradition Concerning the End-Of-Time Era

St. Catherine of Siena

Radio Replies Vol. 3

Radio Replies: Volume 2