books by publisher
Tavistock Publications

Social Skills and Personal Problem Solving: A Handbook of Methods

Delegation in General Practice

Basic Readings in Medical Sociology

Life Apart: Pilot Study of Residential Institutions for the Physically Handicapped and the Young Chronic Sick
Patterns of Social Policy

Child Sexual Abuse within the Family

Archaeology of Knowledge

Man in Africa
Socialization: the Approach from Social Anthropology

Women and Medicine

Art as Therapy: An Introduction to the Use of Art as a Therapeutic Technique

Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds

Family and Individual Development (Social Science Paperbacks)

Origins of Scientific Sociology (Social Science Paperbacks)

Groups: Understanding People Gathered Together

Families and Family Therapy
An Approach to Community Mental Health

Research Methods: Society Now

Six Minutes for the Patient: Interactions in General Practice Consultation (Social Science Paperbacks)

Urban Sociology: Critical Essays

On Death and Dying

Social Interaction (Social Science Paperbacks)