books by publisher
Teach Yourself

Beginner's Dutch

HTML Publishing on the World Wide Web

Dealing With Difficult People In A Week: How To Deal With Difficult People In Seven Simple Steps

Successful Memory Techniques In A Week: How to Improve Memory In Seven Simple Steps

Succeed At Numeracy Tests In A Week: Master Numerical Tests In Seven Simple Steps

Persuasion And Influence In A Week: How To Persuade In Seven Simple Steps

Short Stories in Russian for Beginners: Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and learn Russian the fun way!

Be More Confident: Banish self-doubt, be more confident and stand out from the crowd

Motivating People In A Week: How To Motivate Yourself And Others In Seven Simple Steps

Eastern Philosophy: Teach Yourself: A guide to the wisdom and traditions of thought of India and the Far East

Teach Yourself Beginner's Russian

Arabic Phrase Book

Complete German (Learn German with Teach Yourself)

Write Poetry and Get it Published: Find your subject, master your style and jump-start your poetic writing

Teach Yourself Calculus (TYM)

Teach Yourself Statistics New Edition (TY Maths)

Teach Yourself English Grammar as a Foreign Language New Edition

Teach Yourself Ethics


Teach Yourself Hindi New Edition

Classical Music

Teaching English One to One

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): Evidence-based, goal-oriented self-help techniques: a practical CBT primer and self help classic

Bookkeeping And Accounting In A Week: Learn To Keep Books And Accounts In Seven Simple Steps

Teach Yourself Ancient Greek


Plumbing Lc Typb

Teach Yourself Nietzsche

Be Your Own CBT Therapist: Beat negative thinking and discover a happier you with Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy