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Teachers' College Press

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Dewey and Eros: Wisdom and Desire in the Art of Teaching (Advances in Contemporary Educational Thought S.)

By Garrison, James D.

Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland?

By Pasi Sahlberg, Andy Hargreaves

You Won't Remember Me: The Schoolboys of Barbiana Speak to Today

By Marvin Hoffman, Herbert Kohl, Rick Ayers

On the Brink: Negotiating Literature and Life with Adolescents

By Susan Hynds

Designing Group Work: Strategies for the Heterogeneous Classroom

By Elizabeth G. Cohen

New Literacies in Action: Teaching and Learning in Multiple Media

By William R. Kist

Improving Teaching and Learning in Mathematics (Ways of Knowing in Science S.)

By Treagust, David Franklin, Duit, Reinders, Fraser, Barry J.

Knowledge and Power in Higher Education: A Reader

By Brown, Richard Harvey, Schubert, Daniel J.

Education and Emancipation: Theory and Practice in a New Constellation

By Fletcher, Scott

Literacy Learning in the Early Years: Through Children's Eyes (Early Childhood Education Series)

By Gibson, Linda

Reading Freire and Habermas: Critical Pedagogy and Transformative Social Change

By Morrow, Raymond A., Torres, Carlos Alberto

Literacy for Life: Adult Learners, New Practices (Language & Literacy)

By Fingeret, Hanna Arlene, Drennon, Cassandra

Interviewing as Qualitative Research: A Guide for Researchers in Education and the Social Sciences

By Seidman, Irving

PreMed: Who Makes it and Why (Sociology of Education Series)

By Maguire, Mary Ann, Mechanic, David

What's Worth Fighting for in Your School

By Fullan

Ethics for Professionals in Education: Perspectives for Preparation and Practice (Professional Ethics in Education S.)

By Strike, Kenneth A., Ternasky, P.Lance

The Reflective Turn: Case Studies in and on Educational Practice

By Schon, Donald A.