books by publisher
Templar Publishing

The Baker by the Sea

Rabbit & Big Red Scooter

The King of Space

Gigantosaurus - Dinos to the Rescue: A story about caring for ecosystems and the environment!

First Maths

Bob's 123: (and 4 to 10 Too!)

Buzz Off, I'm Busy


The Bumper Book of Bob

Magpie Magic

Who's in the Garden

Rose and the Friendship Wish


Nature Trails: Dinosaurs

Christmas in the Mouse House

Water Boy


Show Off!: How to Do Absolutely Everything - One Step at a Time

Noisy Pop-up Pirates

Little Grey Rabbit & The Christmas Stocking

Charles Dickens: A Life of Storytelling; a Legacy of Change

How to be an Explorer: An Adventurer's Guide

I Spy With My Little Eye

The Hare and the Tortoise

Knights and Castles (Insiders Series)

Raven Child and the Snow-Witch

The Sea Tiger

CountingA Child's First 123

When You Were Born (Emma Dodd Series)