books by publisher
The Harvill Press

A Sport and a Pastime (Panther S.)


The Harvill Book of 20th Century Poetry in English

The Fatal Shore: History of the Transportation of Convicts to Australia, 1787-1868

Sudden Times

Amsterdam: A brief life of the city

A Multitude of Sins

Bruce Chatwin BC Only

Ranji: Prince of Cricketers

Master Drawings from the Royal Collection

The Fifth Woman

The Death of the Body

Girl in a Turban

A Writer At War, A

The Cave

Death and the Penguin: A BBC Two Between the Covers Pick

Shepherds in the Night

Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age

Bruce Chatwin

The World According to Sempe


Violet: Life and Loves of Violet Gordon Woodhouse

Seeking Whom He May Devour tpb

Black Snow: A Theatrical Novel


A Very Long Engagement

Louis and Antoinette

Queen of Shaba

An Artist's Safari