books by publisher
The Institution of Chemical Engineers

Pharmaceuticals Production: An Engineer's Guide

Process Vessels Subject to Explosion Risk: Design Guidelines for the Pressure Rating of Weak Process Vessels Subject to Explosion Risk

Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 9
Prevention of Fires and Explosions in Dryers: A User Guide
Mixing 8
User Guide to Dust and Fume Control Cancelled
Chlorine Toxicity Monograph
Guide to Dust Explosion Prevention and Protection: Pt. 2: Ignition Prevention, Containment, Inerting Suppression and Isolation
Guide to Dust Explosion Prevention and Protection: Pt. 3: Venting of Weak Explosions and the Effect of Vent Ducts

Guide to Dust Explosion Prevention and Protection: Pt. 1: Venting

Guide to Consultancy: A Short Guide to Setting Up a Consultancy Practice

Financial Evaluation of Environmental Investments

Cutting Water and Effluent Costs

Chemical Reaction Hazards

Effluent Treatment and Waste Disposal (Symposium S.)

Handling Uncertainty: A Guide for Professional Work

Hazop and Hazan: Identifying and Assessing Process Industry Hazards

Benchmarking in the Process Industries

Project Management for the Process Industries

People, Pipes and Processes

Project Cost Estimating: Principles and Practice

Management of Waste in the Process Industries

Implementing Environmental Management

Remedial Processes for Contaminated Land

Dust and Fume Control: A User Guide

Hazop and Hazan: Identifying and Assessing Process Industry Hazards

Licensing Technology and Patents