books by publisher
The King's England Press

Who Flushed Granny Down the Toilet: Potty Poems to Pull Your Chain (Potty Poets S.)

Cambridgeshire: The Country of the Fens

The Craft of House Brewing

Leicestershire and Rutland
The Armadillo Under My Pillow

Bitey the Veggie Vampire

Fido's Foul Surprise

The Return of the Spot: More Horrible Poems for Horrible Children

Wang-Foo, the Kung-fu Shrew: And Other Freaky Poems Too

Pontefract Castle: By Ian Roberts

Someone's Nicked My Knickers: Poems to Make Your Toes Curl

Dad's Exploding Underpants and Other Potty Poems

Don't Wee in the Bath Terry: Potty Poems with a Capital P

Vikings Don't Wear Pants: Potty Poems of the Past

Bottling Burps for Grandma (Potty poets)

Always Eat Your Bogies: And Other Rotten Rhymes