books by publisher
Rescuing Darwin

Dignity at the End of Life: What's Beneath the Assisted Dying Debate?

Faith and Belief on Campus: Division and Cohesion

Killing in the Name of God: Addressing Religiously Inspired Violence
Bridging the Gap: Economic Inequality and Church Responses in the UK

Religious London - Faith in a global city
'Science and Religion': Moving away from the shallow end

Valuing Women: Making Women Visible
A Torn Safety Net: How the cost of living crisis threatens its own last line of defence

The Nones: Who are they and what do they believe?
Just Work: Humanising the Labour Market in a Changing World

Worldviews in Religious Education

Science and Religion: the perils of misperception

The Church and Social Cohesion

Beyond Left and Right: Finding Consensus on Economic Inequality

Doing God: A Future for Faith in the Public Square

Multiculturalism: A Christian Retrieval

The Future of Welfare: A Theos Collection

More Than an Educated Guess: Assessing the Evidence on Faith Schools
The Politics of Christmas
Spiritual Capital
Religion and Wellbeing
Turbulent Priests?

Doing Good: A Future for Christianity in the 21st Century

Is There a 'Religious Right' Emerging in Britain?

Passing on Faith

Free to Believe?: Religious Freedom in a Liberal Society

How to Think About Religious Freedom