books by publisher
Thomas Reed Publications

Engineering Knowledge: Instruments and Control Systems for Deck Officers

General Engineering Knowledge for Marine Engineers
Reed's Nautical Almanac and Tide Tables: 1990
Legendary Classic Yachts

Light Through a Lens: An illustrated celebration of 500 years of Trinity House

Royal Yachts of the World

Heave Ho: My Little Green Book of Seasickness

Reeds Skipper's Handbook

The 12 Volt Bible for Boats

Footloose in London: The London You Might Have Missed

Secret Anchorages of Brittany: Practical Boat Owner

Hand, Reef and Steer

A Sailor's Guide to Wind, Waves and Tides

Rain Later, Good: Illustrating the Shipping Forecast

Simpson on Second-hand Boats (Tips from the Top)

Rigid Inflatable Boats

The Weather Handbook