books by publisher
Time Life UK

The Age of Revolution

The European Empires (Illustrated History of the World S.)

The Far East and a New Europe

The Age of Diverging Traditions

Prehistory and the First Civilisations

Eastern Asia and Classical Greece

Planet Earth (Understanding science & nature)

Cabinets and Bookcases (Art of Woodworking S.)

Thailand (Cookery Around the World S.)

The Battle of Britain (World War II S.)

The Explorers (Epic of Flight S.)

The Pathfinders (Epic of Flight S.)

The Bush Pilots (Epic of Flight S.)

Women Aloft (Epic of Flight S.)

Barnstormers & Speed Kings (The Epic of flight)

Warriors of the White Nile: Dinka (Peoples of the Wild S.)

What Life Was Like in the Realm of Elizabeth: England, AD 1533-1603

The World of Titian, c.1488-1576

The World of Van Gogh, 1853-90

The World of Manet, 1832-83

The World of Turner

The World of Rodin

The Explorers

The Pirates

The Great Liners

The Vikings

Fighting Sail

The Luftwaffe

Living Organic: Easy Steps to an Organic Family Lifestyle