books by publisher
Trentham Books Ltd

Inclusive Schools, Inclusive Society: Race and Identity on the Agenda

Marginality and Difference in Education and Beyond

Empowering Researchers in Further Education

Europe's Established and Emerging Immigrant Communities: Assimilation, Multiculturalism or Integration

A Vision for Today: John Eggleston's Writings on Education

A Pedagogy of Poetry: through the poems of W.B. Yeats

International Dimensions in the National Curriculum

Routes of Racism: The Social Basis of Racist Action

Equality Assurance in Schools: Quality, Identity, Society

South Asians and the Dowry Problem: No. 6 (GEMS, No. 6)

Women's Movement: Women Under Immigration, Nationality and Refugee Law

Bullying in Schools

Racism in Schools: New Research Evidence

Experiencing Exclusion

Why Pick on Me?: School Exclusion and Black Youth

Lifelong Learning and the New Educational Order

Fortunes and Fables: Education for Hope in Troubled Times

Inspecting Schools for Race Equality: Ofsted's Strengths and Weaknesses

Not Aliens: Primary School Children and Citizenship/PHSE Curriculum

Schooling the Rustbelt Kids: Making the Difference in Changing Times

Still Not Easy Being British: Struggles for a Multicultural Citizenship

From Prejudice to Genocide: Learning About the Holocaust

The Early Years: Laying the Foundations for Racial Equality

Combating Discrimination: Persona Dolls in Action

Antiracism, Culture and Social Justice in Education

Refugee Children in the Classroom: A Handbook for Teachers

The Education of Gypsy and Traveller Children: Towards Inclusion and Educational Achievement

Discourse, Power, Resistance: Challenging the Rhetoric of Contemporary Education

Refugee Education: Mapping the Field