books by publisher
Trust Media Distribution

Nelson's Student Bible: New King James Version (Colour Paperback)

King James Reference Bible

The Parable of Joy: Reflections on the Wisdom of the Book of John

The Century of the Holy Spirit

Living Each Day with Jesus (Jesus in my pocket)

Healing the Masculine Soul

Destiny and Deliverance: Spiritual Insights from the Life of Moses ("Prince of Egypt")

The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader

Bible ABC

Whose Money is it Anyway?: A Biblical Guide to Using God's Wealth

John (Word Biblical Themes)

A Prophetic Vision for the 21st Century: A Spiritual Map to Help You Navigate into the Future

Developing the Leader within You

We Believe

The Lost Art of Intercession

Illustrated Manners and Customs of the Bible

My Little Bible - Blue

Authorized King James Version Reference Bible

Fulfilling Your God-Given Destiny

Turn My Mourning into Dancing: Finding Hope in Hard Times

White Cane Religion

God's Favorite House: "If You Build it, He Will Come"

Bible Discovery: Acts - Kingdom Power (The Spirit-filled life bible discovery)

Hayford's Bible Handbook: The Complete Companion for Spirit-Filled Bible Study

Children of Revival: Letting the Little Ones Lead

Introduction to Biblical Interpretation

God's Eye View

An Old Testament Adventure (A Seeking Sammy book)