books by publisher

Help the Witch

Dead Writers in Rehab
The Madonna of Bolton

My Groupon Adventure

Carpe Diem Regained: The Vanishing Art of Seizing the Day

How Freakin' Zeitgeist Are You?

Lifelines: Notes on Life and Love, Faith and Doubt

The Diary of Losing Dad

Narcissism for Beginners

The Fall of the House of Murdoch: Fourteen Days That Ended a Media Dynasty
The Little Girl Who Gave Zero Fucks

My Mother, The Bearded Lady: The Selected Letters of Miles Kington

The Elegant Art of Falling Apart

A Country to Call Home: An anthology on the experiences of young refugees and asylum seekers: An anthology on the experiences of young refugees and asylum seekers

Bad Romance

Empire of Booze: British History Through the Bottom of a Glass

Different Class: The Story of Laurie Cunningham

Pedro and Ricky Come Again: Selected Writing 1988-2020

The Plagiarist in the Kitchen: A Lifetime's Culinary Thefts

A Country of Refuge: An Anthology of Writing on Asylum Seekers
In Other Words: Eight Stories, Eight Unheard Voices

A Curious History of Sex

42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams (No. 1 Sunday Times Bestseller)

Cain's Jawbone: A Novel Problem

Underneath The Archers: Nature's secret agent on Britain's longest-running drama

In Other Words

Museum Without Walls

Think Like a Vegan: What everyone can learn from vegan ethics

The Sewing Machine