books by publisher
United Nations

Assessing regional integration in Africa IV: enhancing intra-African trade

Choices for the Poor: Lessons from National Poverty Strategies

Economic Development in Africa,Debt Sustainability: Oasis or Mirage?
Human Rights and Social Work: A Manual for Schools of Social Work and the Social Work of Profession
Convention on the Rights of the Child

Blue and Beautiful: Planet Earth, Our Home
An Agenda for Development: With Related UN Documents

Challenges of Restoring Governance in Crisis and Post Conflict Countries
Quest for Equality: Asian Politics in East Africa, 1900-67

Know Risk
International Investment a Compendium Volume 3 : Regional Integration Bilateral and Non-governmental Instruments

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Agreement Relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea with Index and Excerpts from the Final Ac...

The least developed countries report 2014: growth with structural transformation - post-2015 development agenda for LDCs

MDG Gap Task Force Report: The Global Partnership for Development at a Critical Juncture, 2010

In Larger Freedom: Towards Development, Security and Human Rights for All, Report of the Secretary-General

World Population at the Turn of the Century

Analysing and Measuring Social Inclusion in a Global Context

Forests and water: valuation and payments for forest ecosystem services
Yearbook on human rights for 1986
Yearbook on human rights for 1986

Progress Report on the Global Response to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic, 2003: Follow-Up to the 2001 United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS

The United Nations and the Advancement of Women, 1945-96: v. 6 (United Nations Blue Book S.)

Basic Facts About the United Nations

Basic Facts About the United Nations

The Millennium Development Goals Report 2005

Financial Solidarity for Development: Development Assistance from OPEC Members and Institutions to Other Developing Countries 1981-1985

Transnational Corporations, Market Structure and Competition Policy (World Investment Report)

Trade Facilitation: The Challenges for Growth and Development