books by publisher
University of Luton Press

Pioneering Television News

News on a Knife Edge: Gemini Story

Knowing Audiences: Judge Dredd - Its Friends, Fans and Foes

Shocking Entertainment: Viewer Response to Violent Movies

Home Video and the Changing Nature of the Television Audience (I.B.A.Television Research Monograph)

Vision and Hindsight: First 25 Years of the International Institute of Communications

Global Audiences 1993: Research for Worldwide Broadcasting (BBC International Broadcasting Audience Research S.)

Radio 2000: The Opportunities for Public and Private Radio Services in Europe

Local Radio and Regional Development in Europe (EIM Media Monographs)

And Now for the B. B. C.: 1 (Current Debates in Broadcasting S.)

Radio and Audience Attitudes: Annual Review: No. 5. (Public Opinion & Broadcasting Standards)

Forging War: The Media in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina

Copycat TV: Globalisation, Program Formats and Cultural Identity

Arts TV: History of British Arts TV

Moving Experiences: Understanding Television's Influences and Effects