books by publisher
University of Minnesota Press

Politics Of Prose: Essay on Sartre (Theory and History of Literature)

Between Feminism and Islam: Human Rights and Sharia Law in Morocco

Cult Television

Writer Sollers

Sex and the Empire That is No More: Gender and the Politics of Metaphor in Oyo Yoruba Religion

Multicultural Politics: Racism, Ethnicity, and Muslims in Britain

Globalized Authoritarianism: Megaprojects, Slums, and Class Relations in Urban Morocco

The Universe of Things: On Speculative Realism

NAIS 3.1: Native American and Indigenous Studies

Settling Nature: The Conservation Regime in Palestine-Israel

Earth, Ice, Bone, Blood: Permafrost and Extinction in the Russian Arctic

The Lichen Museum (Art After Nature)

Rubber Boots Methods for the Anthropocene: Doing Fieldwork in Multispecies Worlds

Rights (Concepts in Social Thought)

Views On The Mississippi: The Photographs Of Henry Peter Bosse

The Lure of the North Woods: Cultivating Tourism in the Upper Midwest

Nationalism, Colonialism, and Literature

Redrawing the Lines: Analytic Philosophy, Deconstruction, and Literary Theory (Minnesota Archive Editions)

The College of Sociology, 1937-39: 41 (Theory & History of Literature S.)

Badiou: A Subject To Truth

Resource Allocation/Productiv CB

The Tears of Things: Melancholy And Physical Objects

The Wolf Man's Magic Word: A Cryptonymy: 37 (Theory and History of Literature)

Tsuchi: Earthy Materials in Contemporary Japanese Art

Embodied: Victorian Literature and the Senses

Subject Of Philosophy: Volume 83 (Theory and History of Literature)

Lacan To The Letter: Reading Ecrits Closely

Foucault in Iran: Islamic Revolution after the Enlightenment (Muslim International)

Modernity At Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization: 1 (Public Worlds)