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University of Nebraska Press

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Bertolt Brecht and the Theory of Media (Modern German Culture and Literature Series)

By Mueller, Roswitha

Struggle for the Heartland: The Campaigns from Fort Henry to Corinth (Great Campaigns of the Civil War)

By Engle, Stephen D.

When I Was a German, 1934-1945: An Englishwoman in Nazi Germany

By Christabel Bielenberg, Klemens von Klemperer

Predecessors of Shakespeare

By Logan, Terence P., Smith, Denzell S.

Smart Jews: The Construction of the Image of Jewish Superior Intelligence (Abraham Lincoln Lectures) (Abraham Lincoln Lectures Series)

By Gilman, Sander L.

Documents on the Holocaust: Selected Sources on the Destruction of the Jews of Germany and Austria, Poland, and the Soviet Union (Eighth Edition)

By Gutman, Yisrael, Arad, Yitzhak, Margaliot, Abraham, Katz, Steven T., Dor, Lea Ben

From Ambivalence to Betrayal: The Left, the Jews, and Israel (Studies in Antisemitism)

By Wistrich, Robert S.

Prisoner in Time: A Child of the Holocaust

By Melnikoff, Pamela

Virginia Woolf: A Feminist Slant

By Marcus, Jane

The Sin of Father Mouret

By Zola, Émile, Petrey, S.

Shantytown Kid: Le Gone Du Chaaba

By Azouz Begag

Helene Cixous: Writing the Feminine: Writing the Feminine (Expanded Edition)

By Conley, Verena Andermatt

Documents of United States Indian Policy

By Prucha, Francis Paul

Gender and the Academic Experience: Berkeley Women Sociologists

By Orlans, Kathryn P. Meadow; Wallace

Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville: The Dare Mark Campaign (Great Campaigns of the Civil War)

By Sutherland, Daniel E.


By Ella Cara Deloria, Raymond J. DeMallie

Indians and Europe: An Interdisciplinary Collection of Essays

By Christian F. Feest

The Archeology of the Frivolous

By J Derrida

Black Elk Speaks

By John G. Neihardt

The Rover

By Aphra Behn

The Hermaphrodite

By Julia Ward Howe, Gary Williams

Edmund Husserl's "Origin of Geometry": An Introduction

By Jacques Derrida, John P. Leavey

Life in Common: An Essay in General Anthropology

By Tzvetan Todorov, Lucy Golsan, Katherine Golsan

Main Currents in Caribbean Thought: The Historical Evolution of Caribbean Society in Its Ideological Aspects, 1492 - 1900

By Gordon K. Lewis

Russian Formalist Criticism: Four Essays

By Lee T. Lemon, M.J. Reis

Insect Lipids: Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Biology

By David W. Stanley-Samuelson, Dennis R. Nelson

All the Little Live Things

By Wallace Stegner

The Ear of the Other: Otobiography, Transference, Translation

By Jacques Derrida, Christie McDonald, Peggy Kamuf, Avital Ronell

William James Remembered

By Simon, Linda

Jean-Paul Sartre and the Jewish Question: Anti-antisemitism and the Politics of the French Intellectual (Texts & Contexts) (Texts and Contexts)

By Judaken, Jonathan