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University of Toronto Press

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Historical Essay on the Neapolitan Revolution of 1799 (Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library)

By Vincenzo Cuoco, Bruce Haddock, Filippo Sabetti

Sharing the Burden?: NATO and its Second-Tier Powers

By Benjamin Zyla

The Viking Age: A Reader, First Edition: 14 (Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures)

By Somerville, Angus A., McDonald, R. Andrew

Pursuits Amateur and Academic: The Selected Prose of E.J.Pratt (Collected Works of E.J.Pratt)

By Pratt, E. J., Gingell, Susan

The Electrophysiology of Extraocular Muscle

By Goodwin M. Breinn

The Roman de toute chevalerie: Reading Alexander Romance in Late Medieval England

By Stone, Charles Russell

Anthropology - 2nd Edition: A Student's Guide to Theory and Method, Second Edition

By Barrett, Stanley

The Decameron First Day in Perspective: 1 (Toronto Italian Studies)

By Weaver, Elissa B

The Conflict over the Conflict: The Israel/Palestine Campus Debate

By Stern, Kenneth S., Strossen, Nadine

Goldsmiths: Medieval Craftsmen

By Cherry, John

Self and Society in Medieval France: The Memoirs of Abbot Guibert of Nogent (1064?-c.1125) (Medieval academy reprints for teaching): 15

By John F. Benton, C. C. Swinton Bland

The English Church in the Fourteenth Century: 5 (MART: The Medieval Academy Reprints for Teaching)

By Pantin, W.A.

Certain Sermons or Homilies

By Bond, Ronald Bruce

Identity of the Literary Text

By Valdes, Mario J., Miller, Owen J.

Sentencing as a human process

By John Hogarth

Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative

By Bal, Mieke

Law and Morality: Readings in Legal Philosophy (Toronto Studies in Philosophy)

By Dyzenhaus, David, Reibetanz Moreau, Sophia, Ripstein, Arthur

E.W.R.Steacie and Science in Canada

By King, M.Christine

Old Books and New Histories: An Orientation to Studies in Book and Print Culture (Studies in Book & Print Culture)

By Howsam, Leslie

Seeking The Highest Good

By Sara Z Burke

Vittorino Da Feltre and Other Humanist Educators (Renaissance Society of America Reprint Text): 5 (Rsart: Renaissance Society of America Reprint Text Series)

By Woodward, WILLIAM, Rice Jr, Eugene F

The Crusades: A Reader

By S.J. Allen, Emilie Amt

Taxes as Instruments of Public Policy: Ontario Fair Tax Commission Research Program

By Mark Sproule-Jones (Et Al)

History and Communications: Harold Innis, Marshall McLuhan, the Interpretation of History (Heritage)

By Patterson, Graeme, Patterson, Graeme

Creating States: Studies in the Performative Language of John Milton and William Blake: Studies in the Performative Languages of John Milton and William Blake (Heritage)

By Esterhammer, Angela

William Osler: A Life in Medicine

By Bliss, Michael

Mechanical Misadventures in Anaesthesia

By Wyant, Gordon M.

The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man

By McLuhan, Marshall

Fools of Time: Studies in Shakespearian Tragedy (Alexander Lectures)

By Northrop Frye

Pleyn Delit: Medieval Cookery for Modern Cooks (Canadian University Paperbooks)

By Hieatt, Constance B., Butler, Sharon