books by publisher
University Press of Florida

Sensible Spirit: Walter Pater and the Modernist Paradigm

Latin American Art: Ancient to Modern

Economic Policy Reform in Egypt

The Agrarian Question in Kenya

Statecraft in the Middle East: Historical Memory and Popular Culture

The Florida Life of Thomas Edison

Bahamas from Slavery to Servitude, 1783-1933

Cultural Adaptation and Resistance on St.John: Three Centuries of Afro-Caribbean Life

A History of Florida Through New World Maps: Borders of Paradise

Truth, Lies and O-Rings: Inside the Space Shuttle 'Challenger' Disaster

The Lesser Antilles in the Age of European Expansion

Forces of Nature: A History of Florida Land Conservation

Techniques of Subversion in Modern Literature: Transgression, Abjection and the Carnivalesque

Broadcasting Modernism

Victorian Feminism, 1850-1900

Beckett After Beckett (Crosscurrents: Comparative Studies in European Literature & Philosophy)

Merleau-Pontys Phenomenology

Question of Eros: Irony in Sterne, Kierkegaard and Barthes (Kierkegaard & Postmodernism Series)

The Search for Thomas F. Ward: Teacher of Frederick Delius

Imperiled Reef: The Fascinating, Fragile Life of a Caribbean Wonder

Reflections on Kant's Philosophy

Israel in Search of Identity: Reading the Formative Years

Nonviolence and Peace Building in Islam: Theory and Practice

Emergent Brazil: Key Perspectives on a New Global Power

The Black Seminoles

Ritual and Sacrifice in the Corrida: The Saga of Cesar Rincon