books by publisher
Watling St Ltd

Grave-robbers, Cut-throats and Poisoners of London (Of London Series)

The Black Death and Other Putrid Plagues of London (Of London Series)

Crypts, Caves and Tunnels of London (Of London Series)

Rats, Bats, Frogs and Bogs of London (Of London Series)

The Timetraveller's Guide to Roman London

Highwaymen, Outlaws and Bandits of London

Rebels, Traitors Amd Turncoats of London (Of London Series)

Pirates, Swashbucklers and Buccaneers of London (Of London Series)

Spies, Secret Agents and Spooks of London

The Timetraveller's Guide to Shakespeare's London

The Timetraveller's Guide to Tudor London

Ghosts, Ghouls and Phantoms of London

The Timetraveller's Guide to Victorian London