books by publisher
W.H.Freeman & Co Ltd

Energy and Environment: Readings from "Scientific American"

The Creation

Discovering the Universe

Psychology in Progress: Readings from "Scientific American"

Baby Steps: Parent's Guide to Understanding Behavior During the First Two Years

The Hands-on Marvelous Ball Book

Foundations of Neurobiology

Structural Geology

Solutions Manual (Organic Chemistry)

The Ocean (Scientific American books)

Chemical Principles: The Quest for Insight

Experimental Organic Chemistry: A Balanced Approach - Macroscale and Microscale Lab Manual

Particles and Forces: At the Heart of the Matter (Readings from Scientific American)

Knotted Doughnuts and Other Mathematical Entertainments

The Consumer's Good Chemical Guide: A Jargon-free Guide to the Chemicals of Everyday Life

The Mistaken Extinction

Evolution isn't What it Used to be: The Augmented Animal and the Whole Wired World

A First Course in Design and Analysis of Experiments

Chemical Basis of Life: Readings from "Scientific American"

Behavioral Genetics: A Primer

Seed to Civilization: Story of Food

Neuropharmacology (Biochemical & Medicinal Chemistry S.)

Cell and Heredity (Volume 1) (Life: the Science of Biology)

Life: the Science of Biology: Evolution, Diversity, and Ecology Vol 2

Understanding Earth

Modern Genetic Analysis: Integrating Genes and Genomes

Quantitative Chemical Analysis

Age of Propaganda: The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion