books by publisher

The Childhood Environment and Adult Disease: Symposium Proceedings: 156 (Novartis Foundation Symposia)

Anxiety Disorders

British Social Policy Since 1945 (Making Contemporary Britain)

ABC of Dementia (ABC Series)

A Companion to Bioethics (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy)

A History of Rome

Chirality in Industry II: Developments in the Commercial Manufacture and Applications of Optically Active Compounds: Developments in the Manufacture and Applications of Optically Active Compounds

Stereoselective Synthesis

France in the Middle Ages 987–1460: From Hugh Capet to Joan of Arc: v. 1 (History of France)

John Milton: Language, Gender and Power (Rereading literature)

The Care of Wounds: A Guide for Nurses

Population Ecology: A Unified Study of Animals and Plants

Invitation To Politics

Charles Dickens

Symptoms in the Pharmacy: A Guide to the Management of Common Illnesses

Heterocyclic Chemistry

Integrated Powertrain Systems for a Better Environment: No. 1999/9. (Imeche Event Publications)

Symmetry and Structure

Named Organic Reactions

Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure

A First Course in Organic Chemistry (Paper)

Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach

Modern French Music

Serotonin Receptor Subtypes: Basic and Clinical Aspects: v. 15 (Receptor Biochemistry and Methodology)

Neurobiology of Panic Disorder: vol 8 (Frontiers of Clinical Neuroscience)

Prosthetic Treatment of the Edentulous Patient

Sociolinguistics and Second Language Acquisition (Language in Society)

Pharmacology and Biochemistry of Psychiatric Disorders

Biological Psychiatry