books by publisher

Out of the Gobi: My Story of China and America

Authentic Marketing: How to Capture Hearts and Minds Through the Power of Purpose

Risk Management and Financial Institutions, Fourth Edition (Wiley Finance)

The Only Three Questions That Still Count: Investing By Knowing What Others Don′t

Voice Work: Art and Science in Changing Voices

Business Process Reengineering: Breakpoint Strategies for Market Dominance: Basic Principles, Concepts, and Applications in Chemistry

Capitalist Philosophers: The Geniuses of Modern Business – Their Lives, Times, and Ideas (Climate and the Biosphere)

The Secret Life of Dust: From the Cosmos to the Kitchen Counter, the Big Consequences of Little Things

Molecular Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases

The Ben Franklin Book of Easy and Incredible Experiments: A Franklin Institute Science Museum Book: Activities, Projects, and Science Fun: 1 (The Franklin Institute Science Museum Series)

Handbook of Fixed-Income Securities (Wiley Handbooks in Financial Engineering and Econometrics)

Contemporary Linear Algebra

Principles of Drug Action: The Basis of Pharmacology (A Wiley biomedical-health publication)

Handbook of the Psychology of Interviewing

Science Fair Projects For Dummies

Clinical Neuropsychology: A Practical Guide to Assessment and Management for Clinicians, 2nd Edition

X: The Experience When Business Meets Design

The Field Description of Metamorphic Rocks: 14 (Geological Society of London Handbook Series)

Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More

The Masculinity Studies Reader: An Introduction: 4 (KeyWorks in Cultural Studies)

Tougher Boards for Tougher Times: Corporate Governance in the Post– Enron Era

Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders: Assessment, Interventions, and Policy: 2 (Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Volume 2)

How to Make Money Selling Stocks Short (Wiley Trading)

Trader Vic––Methods of a Wall Street Master

Implementing Derivative Models

Adverse Drug Effects: A Nursing Concern

Condensed Matter Physics

The Child Within: Taking the Young Person's Perspective by Applying Personal Construct Psychology, 2nd Edition

CSR Strategies: Corporate Social Responsibility for a Competitive Edge in Emerging Markets