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William B Eerdmans Publishing Co

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Character and Scripture: Moral Formation, Community, and Biblical Interpretation

By William P. Brown

Book of Revelation

By Robert H. Mounce

Accompanied by Angels: Poems of the Incarnation

By Luci Shaw

The Abbreviated Psalter of the Venerable Bede

By Bede, the Venerable Saint, Browne, Gerald

The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah

By F.Charles Fensham

Theology and Pastoral Counselling: A New Interdisciplinary Approach

By Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger

Aspiring to Freedom: Commentaries on John Paul II's Encyclical "The Social Concerns of the Church"

By Kenneth A. Myers

Christianity and Economics in the Post-Cold War Era: The Oxford Declaration and Beyond

By Herbert Schlossberg, etc.

New Century Bible Commentary Isaiah 1-39

By R. E. Clements

Idea of Natural Rights: Studies on Natural Rights, Natural Law and Church Law 1150-1625

By Brian Tierney

Authentic Faith: Bonhoeffer's Theological Ethics in Context

By Heinz Eduard Todt, Ernst-Albert Scharffenorth, David Stassen, Ilse Todt

Christianity and Chinese Culture

By Miikka Ruokanen, Paulos Huang

The Word of Christ and the World of Culture: Sacred and Secular Through the Theology of Karl Barth

By Paul Louis Metzger

In God's Time: The Bible and the Future

By Craig C. Hill

Behaving in Public: How to Do Christian Ethics

By Nigel Biggar

The Analytic Theist: Alvin Plantiga Reader

By Alvin Plantinga

Kingdom, Grace, Judgment: Paradox, Outrage, and Vindication in the Parables of Jesus

By Robert Farrar Capon

Signs Amid the Rubble: The Purposes of God in Human History

By Lesslie Newbigin

Faith: A Practical Theological Reconstruction

By F. Gerrit Immink, Reinder Bruinsma, Gerrit Immink

The Struggle for America's Soul: Evangelicals, Liberals and Secularism

By Robert Wuthnow

The Future of Hope: Christian Tradition Amid Modernity and Postmodernity

By Miroslav Volf (Biblijsko-Teoloski Institut, Zagreb), William Katerberg

Having: Property and Possession in Religious and Social Life

By William Schweiker, Charles Mathewes

The Local Church in a Global Era: Reflections for a New Century

By Max L. Stackhouse, Scott Dearborn

The Story of Christianity: From Birth to Global Presence

By Jakob Balling

Envisioning Hope College: Letters Written by Albertus C. Van Raalte to Phillip Phelps, Jr. 1857 to 1875

By Elton J. Bruins, Karen G. Schakel

Spirituality of Wine

By Gisela H. Kreglinger

Galileo, Darwin, and Hawking: The Interplay of Science, Reason, and Religion

By Phil Dowe

Appealing to Scripture in Moral Debate: Five Hermeneutical Rules

By Charles H. Cosgrove

The Great Passion: An Introduction to Karl Barth's Theology

By Eberhard Busch, Geoffrey W. Bromiley, Darrell L. Guder, Judith J. Guder

The Myth of the American Superhero

By John Shelton Lawrence, Robert Jewett