books by publisher
Wordsworth Editions

Collected Poems of Robert Burns (Wordsworth Poetry Library)

Orlando: A Biography (Wordsworth Classics)

Heart of Darkness (Wordsworth Classics)

100 Selected Stories (Wordsworth Classics)

Measure for Measure (Wordsworth Classics)

Rob Roy (Wordsworth Classics)

The Way We Live Now (Wordsworth Classics)

Dombey and Son (Wordsworth Classics)

Jude the Obscure (Wordsworth Classics)

Nicholas Nickleby (Wordsworth Classics)

Anna Karenina (Wordsworth Classics)

Journey to the Centre of the Earth (Wordsworth Classics)

Selected Stories

Tristram Shandy (Wordsworth Classics)

The Woodlanders (Wordsworth Classics)

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (Wordsworth Reference)

The Collected Poems of John Donne (Wordsworth Poetry Library)

The Collected Poems of William Wordsworth (Wordsworth Poetry Library)

The Collected Poems of Thomas Hardy (Wordsworth Poetry Library)

The English Poems of John Milton (Wordsworth Poetry Library)

The Count of Monte Cristo (Wordsworth Classics)

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Wordsworth Classics)

Complete Works, The

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Classics of World Literature)

The Mystery of Edwin Drood: and Other Stories (Wordsworth Classics)

Barnaby Rudge (Wordsworth Classics)

Billy Budd and Other Stories (Wordsworth Classics)

Three Sea Stories (Wordsworth Classics)

The Concise Pepys (Classics of World Literature)