books by publisher
Wordsworth Editions Ltd

Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens

Hundred Ways with Beef: Step by Step (Classic French Kitchen S.)

Classic Kitchen: Step-By-Step Vegetables

Concise Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain

The Wordsworth Dictionary of Sex (Wordsworth Reference)

The Concise Italian Dictionary

The Natural History of Selborne
What Katy Did

Beowulf (Wordsworth Classics of World Literature)

The Aeneid (Wordsworth Classics of World Literature)

Midway: Incredible Victory (Wordsworth Military Library)

Wordsworth English-German/German-English Dictionary (Wordsworth Reference)

Four Novels of George Eliot (Wordsworth Special Editions)

Winning Touch with Desserts: Step by Step (Classic French Kitchen S.)

A Book of Humorous Quotations (Wordsworth Reference)

The Essays (Wordsworth Classics of World Literature)

Bliss (Wordsworth Classics)

Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman (Wordsworth Classics)

Wordsworth Book of 19th Century Verse (Wordsworth Poetry Library)

She (Wordsworth Classics)

The Dictionary of Pub Names (Wordsworth Reference)

The Mayor of Casterbridge (Wordsworth Hardback Library)

The Works of matthew Arnold (Wordsworth Poetry Library)

Complete Illustrated Sherlock Holmes

The Cossacks and Other Early Stories

The Invisible Man and The Food of the Gods

The Red & The Black

The House of the Dead / The Gambler

Around the World in 80 Days / Five Weeks in a Balloon