books by publisher

World Bank

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25th Anniversary Edition (The World Bank Atlas)

By World Bank Group

In a Class of Their Own: A Look at the Campaign Against Female Illiteracy (World Bank Development Essays)

By Wigg, David

Sampling for Monitoring and Evaluation

By Scott, Chris

Small states, smart solutions: improving connectivity and increasing the effectiveness of public services (Directions in development)

By World Bank, Favaro, Edgardo M.

World Development Indicators 1998

By World Bank

Estimating crop production in development projects: Methods and their limitations

By Poate, C. D

Social Capital: A Multifaceted Perspective

By World Bank, Dasgupta, Partha, Serageldin, Ismail

Poverty Reduction Handbook

By Not Available

Strategic environment assessment for policy: an instrument for good governance (Environment and Development)

By World Bank, Ahmed, Kulsum, Sanchez-Triana, Ernesto

The little green data book 2007

By World Bank

The little data book on Africa 2007

By World Bank

The World Bank Annual Report: 2000 Volume 1

Post-conflict Reconstruction: The Role of the World Bank

By World Bank

Post-conflict Reconstruction: The Role of the World Bank

By World Bank

Labor Markets in an Era of Adjustment: EDI Development Studies: Vol.2

By Susan Horton, S. M. Ravi Kanbur, Dipak Mazumdar

World Development Report 1995 (P)

By World Bank

African Development Indicators

By World Bank

World Development Report 1993 Summary(P)

By World Bank

Food Policy: Integrating Supply, Distribution and Consumption

By Joanne Leslie, Caroline Hoisington, J.Price Gittinger

Making Adjustment Work for the Poor: Framework for Policy Reform in Africa

The Household Economy of Rural Botswana: An African Case (World Bank Staff Working Paper)

By Chernichovsky, Dov, Lucas, Robert E. B., Mueller, Eva

World Bank Technical Paper: Experience in Thailand and Its General Applicability/Bk0532: No 40: Irrigation Design and Management

By Herve L Plusquellec, Thomas Wickham

Assessing national achievement levels in education: Assessing National Achievement Levels in Education v. 1 (National assessments of educational achievement)

By World Bank, Greaney, Vincent, Kellaghan, Thomas

Toward sustained development in sub-Saharan Africa: A joint program of action

Population growth and policies in Sub-Saharan Africa (A World Bank policy study)

Dams and the Environment: Considerations in World Bank Projects (World Bank Technical Paper)

By Dixon, John A., Talbot, Lee M., Le Moigne, Guy J. M., World Bank

Integrated Pest Management and African Agriculture (Technical Papers)

By Kiss, Agnes, Meerman, Frans

Reversing the Spiral: The Population, Agriculture, and Environment Nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa (Directions in Development)

By Cleaver, Kevin M., Schreiber, Gotz A.

Financing Private Infrastructure in Developing Countries (World Bank Discussion Paper)

By Ferreira, David, Khatami, Kamran

Global Development Finance: Analysis and Summary Tables

By World Bank