books by publisher
World Bank Group Publications

The Privatization Challenge: A Strategic, Legal and Institutional Analysis of International Experience (World Bank Regional & Sectoral Studies)

World Development Report 2018: learning to realize education's promise

Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2018: From World Development Indicators (World Bank Atlas)

Assessing Student Learning in Africa (Directions in Development)

Green miniAtlas

EXCHANGE RATE MISALIGNMENT CONCEPTS & MEASUREMENT: Concepts and Measurement for Developing Countries (World Bank Publication)

Geographical Targeting for Poverty Alleviation: Methodology and Applications (World Bank Regional & Sectoral Studies)

A Case for Aid: Building a Consensus for Development Assistance

Aid and Reform in Africa: Lessons from Ten Case Studies

Saving Across the World: Puzzles and Policies (World Bank Discussion Paper): 354 (World Bank Discussion Papers)

The Political Economy of Decentralization in Four Sub-Saharan African Countries: Burkina Faso, Senegal, Ghana, and Kenya (Africa Development Forum): A ... in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, and Senegal

Lifelong Learning in the Global Knowledge Economy: Challenges for Developing Countries (Directions in Development)

Constructing Knowledge Societies: New Challenges for Tertiary Education (Directions in Development)

World Development Indicators 2009

World Development Indicators 2004

Development, Trade and the WTO: A Handbook (World Bank Trade and Development Series) (World Bank Trade & Development Series)

Economic Analysis of Investment Operations: Analytical Tools and Practical Applications (WBI Development Studies)